Faith, Family, and Freedom

High Quality Hybrid Seeds

Since 2010, we strive to operate our company and serve our customers with the highest level of honesty, integrity, and confidence in our product portfolio.


Independent and Family Owned

Superior Seed, Inc is an independent family owned agricultural seed company that was launched in 2010. Our basic strategy in launching Superior Seed is simply this: Identify the very best Corn, Soybean and Wheat genetics for our local growing environment and incorporate and deploy insect and herbicide traits as needed. We offer a complete lineup of Conventional corn hybrids, as well as the best Agrisure® traited corn hybrids available. We also offer a complete line up of the top Glyphosate Tolerant and LibertyLink® soybeans and Non-GMO conventional soybean varieties.


The best seed for your farm.

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Consequat elementum, dolor egestas at faucibus dictumst at ultrices auctor gravida neque, dolor molestie ut fames porttitor egestas quisque bibendum felis nascetur maecenas et.



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Ac praesent feugiat at egestas vitae massa euismod sit nibh aenean elit.



Mi ornare ac eleifend eget eget aliquet lectus nec augue massa amet.

Featured Varieties

With the relationships we have established over the past 30 years working in the Ag and Seed industry we have been able to link arms with all the leaders in both technology and genetics to provide our customers and potential customers with the very best seed choices and trait options that can be accessed in the market today.


Agrisure® Corn Traits and Conventional Corn Hybrids


Enlist E3™ and LibertyLink® GT27™ soybean varieties


We will have 2 New wheat varieties in our lineup.


Insert Trial Data Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse venenatis cursus neque, vel egestas nibh accumsan nec. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse venenatis cursus neque, vel egestas nibh accumsan nec. Donec eu feugiat urna, eget sollicitudin eros. Maecenas eleifend quis metus ut feugiat.
Rushville, IN
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